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Harbor Village helps people to escape drug and alcohol addiction and gives people a program that allows them to build a better life. It is offering a comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment beginning with: clinically supervised medical detox that includes personalized inpatient residential, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient programs, focusing on addressing the underlying causes of substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders. Harbor Village Miami detox, rehab, and treatment center specifically provides the following: drug and alcohol detox with treatment, one-on-one support, 24/7 on-site medical staff, and is accredited by the Joint Commission.
Further, Harbor Village is client-centered that gives every client the respect and recognition they deserve and is helmed by addiction recovery specialists. It had already worked with 4,000 clients and everyone incredibly succeeds in escaping their addictions. Moreover, Harbor Village aims to provide clients effective and affordable treatment that will lead them to a sober and clean life with compassion and dignity.
The program starts with the critical detoxification and ends with the last stage of sober living residence. It ensures that the recovery of clients will be one step ahead of addiction and will totally abandon them in order to reach their maximum potential as an individual free of addiction. Specifically, the program is composed of the following: inpatient medical detox for drugs and alcohol, residential drug rehab, outpatient rehab programs, sober living community residency, partial hospitalization, individualized programs, group dynamic therapy, dual diagnosis treatment, specializes treatments upon request, and most importantly, treatment is 100% anonymous.
Harbor Village has 24-hour help hotline and can speak with their representatives anytime. Within the hour, they will provide an addiction treatment plan and tackle the rest of the treatment for full-time recovery on the same day.
The difficulty in treating drug addiction comes from the negative social stigma that hinders those people with substance use disorders from getting treatment and also the fear of drug addicts of withdrawal. One must understand that drug addiction covers mental and health problems that should be given treatment as early as possible. Overdose rates have been increasing merely because people substance use disorder is not getting the treatment they desperately need. Only one in ten people associated with drug use disorder gets drug addiction treatment despite the risk of complications and permanent health problems.
Harbor Village provides a tolerable and safer process of withdrawal. They help drug addicts through their programs. First is the Inpatient Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation. It is the most expensive and intensive form of drug addiction treatment and is closely monitored in a medical facility. During this treatment, drug addicts need to participate in a lot of therapy programs that aims to determine the underlying cause of their addiction. It focuses on the process of letting go of drug addiction and fostering the development of new healthy habits. Patients will also receive medications to help starve off their craving for addictive substances. Secondly, Addiction to Outpatient Treatment. This requires the patients to come in several times a week for therapy sessions and medical examinations. This part of the program ensures that the patient will have fulltime recovery and will remain sober even without in a monitored facility. The third is being aware of insurance companies that might botch one’s drug addiction recovery. If an insurance company denies your request for inpatient treatment coverage, you must contact the Utilization Review Department of your treatment center. Lastly is the Sober Living Communities. This is the last part of the program wherein recovering patients will live independently in a normal community without dependence to drugs and practice the coping techniques that they have learned during the treatment.
Moreover, before starting the program, drug addicts are required to undergo initial drug and alcohol detox, or cleansing. Attempting to withdraw from alcohol and drug addiction might not just be emotionally taxing but can also cause injury or death in some cases, and so it is a must to seek treatment from an accredited facility. By this, addiction specialists will give a safer way of withdrawal by giving an exact dosage of medication to fight each sign of withdrawal.
Alcohol is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor that acts as a depressant because people usually use it for its stimulating effects. Alcoholism is a mental disorder characterized by an inability to control alcohol consumption and continuing to drink it even with the knowledge of its risks. Binge drinking of teenagers is a stepping stone to alcoholism that might result to serious social problems such as domestic abuse and health problems such as: irreversible damage to the brain or liver, ulcers, malnutrition, cancer of the mouth and throat, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart-related conditions, increased problems at work, home and school. Harbor Village provides evidence-based treatment beginning with sub-acute detox.
Most worrying of all is that chronic alcoholics often fail to seek help for their problems mainly because they do not view this as a medical matter. Harbor Village provides every client their individualized treatment plan which has been made by a medical professional and addiction specialists. The process for the treatment of alcoholism symptoms and underlying addiction provides the following methods and services: Medical Detox Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Individualized Treatment Plans, Alcohol Counseling, Conventional Medication for Treating Certain Symptoms, 24/7 Medical Supervision and Support, Alcohol Counseling, Relapse Prevention Education, Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings, Relapse Prevention Education, Innovative Addiction and Recovery Services.
It is characterized as the worst drug to withdraw from because of the pain associated with it. The severity of alcohol withdrawal depends on the alcohol consumption of the patient and so it is important to seek proper medical assistance through a qualified detox facility. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include tremors, anxiety, nausea and/or vomiting, sleeping difficulties, breathing difficulties, fluctuating heart rate, extreme confusion sweating, and irritability.
Drinking is a socially accepted activity and so it is hard to monitor if a person already has a drinking problem. The first category is Social Drinker. These people consume alcohol at a slow pace and have no intention of getting drunk. They only consume alcohol within the social context and strictly abide by the laws governing alcohol use. Second is the problem drinker. These people consume alcohol in an attempt to solve their problems by getting drunk and under inappropriate circumstances. They are often vulnerable to issues regarding health, work, school, and/or relationships. Lastly is the alcoholic. These people became dependent on alcohol and feel like it is essential for their daily lives. These people have a greater susceptibility to different health problems and experience a serious problem with the law, or their work, family, and friends.
See more of our detox services for drugs and alcohol below
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